Opt Outside this Black Friday

First Employee   Nov 18, 2017

Aquatics OptOutside scuba diving

Is it really necessary to wait in line on Thanksgiving day to stock up on the latest gadgets and gizmos? We don't think so and that's why we are spreading the word about the Opt Outside on Black Friday movement.

Opt Outside this Black Friday

72 Aquatics is choosing to Opt Outside this Black Friday for the second year in row. We would rather reconnect with the outdoors, family and friends than scour retailers' aisles for the best deals in town.

While 72 Aquatics is closed, our community will be opting outside around the world. We will be scuba diving in San Carlos, hiking our national parks in Tucson, exploring Maui, and so much more on Black Friday. These experiences will last with us longer than the latest TV, gadget or gizmo that will be on sale Black Friday. We will not be the only businesses closing. We are joining several large retailers including REI, Costco, and Patagonia, not to mention, many more small businesses in the Opt Out Black Friday movement. Will you join us this year?

At our core, 72 Aquatics strives to provide our community with experiences. Experiences we wouldn’t otherwise have here in the desert. The truth is that when I can’t get to water, I enjoy hiking with my fiancé around Tucson with our dogs and getting outside. We are lucky to live surrounded by mountains and beautiful hiking trails, plenty of which are dog friendly. If you can’t make it to San Carlos or some other ocean front paradise this Thanksgiving, plan to explore Tucson. Take the opportunity to explore a new trail, meet some new friends, and get outside on Black Friday.

No matter how you choose to get outside, be sure to share your Opt Outside adventure on social media, tag 72 Aquatics and Opt Outside in your pictures. We will be sharing our own throughout the weekend as well. Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours. #72Aquatics #OptOutside


Alex Huhn
